Our Work
Achieve Healthy EscaRosa uses collective impact philosophy to establish shared measurements, coordinate collective efforts, and build trust and relationships among all partners. Here are some of the projects we are engaged in to improve health for all to live well and thrive.
Achieve Dashboard
The Achieve Dashboard is a collaborative effort of Achieve Escambia, Achieve Healthy EscaRosa, and the Haas Center at the University at West Florida. The dashboard is a free, easy-to-use tool that will allow users to understand how key factors result in quality-of-life for individuals and the community. Now Live!
2022 Community Health Needs Assessment Report
Every three years, Escambia and Santa Rosa County health organizations, nonprofits, university, and health departments work together on a
two-step process to understand and respond to problems within our community.
This is the first phase.
You can download and print from this pdf viewer by clicking the ">>" on the top right corner.
Community Health
Improvement Planning
The Second step in the process described above is the community health improvement plan. This step brings together all the healthcare organizations, nonprofits, civic and community partners, health departments together to create goals and determine action steps to improving outcomes related to the significant health needs identified
in the CHNA document above.
Action plans and updates will be
shared on this page as well.